Friday, April 6, 2012

Rounding the Prom'

Wilsons Prom' justified it's description as Victorias windiest  spot as always! With gusts up to 25 knots and the direction changing to on the nose we reefed the main and reduced the size of the head sail. We had intended just to use the first reefing line however, the sheet pull the the eyelet out of the sail meaning it was down to no 2!! Great fun in the dark and with wood smoke from burning off on the Prom mixing with the excitment. Visability reduced and numerous AIS shipping targets coming towards us some as close as 1 nm!! Tension was extreme with all hands on deck as we passed Rodondo Island!!!

The next morning the wind abated the sunrise was magnificent and Bass Straight seemed a much friendlier and gentlier place. Now having to motor sail with flat calm seas dolphins in the bow waves and the various shades of blue merging on the horizon, a new day ahead and the first repairs of the trip to organize in Eden!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anne

    So how did you break the main?

    Pulling to hard on the reefing sheet and sheet too far out along the boom?


